Blog: Conservation


Nightjar in its nest on the ground

The valiant nightjar

As spring arrives, Dorset’s heathlands, including Upton Heath, become vital nesting grounds for some of our rarest birds, such as nightjars. Dr Lesley Haskins explains why following the Heathland…

English longhorn cattle grazing at Lyscombe

Our vision for Lyscombe nature reserve

Since the acquisition of Lyscombe almost a year ago, Dorset Wildlife Trust has embarked on an ambitious journey to transform Lyscombe into an inspirational National Nature Reserve teeming with…

Kingcombe visitor centre

Introducing the new Engagement Officer at Kingcombe

In the first of a series of blogs about Kingcombe, Daisy describes the first week in her new job as Engagement Officer at Kingcombe - from hosting Wild Paths trainees to discovering great crested…

Banner to encourage people to keep to paths and use a short lead for dogs

Protecting nesting birds on Dorset heaths

From March to July, people are asked to keep dogs on leads and stay on the paths to protect nesting birds on Dorset's heaths. Our guest author, Dr Lesley Haskins tells us about these special…

leaky dam

Slowing the flow

Volunteers have been helping with work being carried out by contractors and Dorset Wildlife Trust staff on the River Hooke in the Kingcombe National Nature Reserve to install 14 woody leaky debris…