Online Wildlife Talks

Two hedgehogs in a garden

Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography / Hedgehogs

Online wildlife talks

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Catch up with our series of wildlife talks

Watch recordings of online talks about Dorset's wildlife. We’ll add more talks to this page as they happen, so watch out for updates in the coming months.

Online talk: A year in the life of Brownsea. By Nicki Tutton and Jonny Owen, 10.12.24

Online talk: Conservation in action. By Seb Elwood and Lydia Gill. 24.10.24

Online talk: Dorset's unseen biodiversity. By Peter Tinsley, 07.08.24

Online talk: Lyscombe: What next? With Brian Bleese and Rob Farrington, 13.06.24

Online talk: Species Recovery. By James Cartwright, 23.04.24

Online talk: Wild Birds of Brownsea. By Nicki Tutton, 10.02.24

Online talk: Dorset's Wild Woods. By Ben Atkinson, 09.11.23

Online talk: Wild Woodbury two years on. By Seb Haggett, 14.09.23

Online talk: How can we save Dorset's wild seas? By Julie Hatcher and Sarah Hodgson, 25.07.23

Online Talk: Dorset Precious Peat and Organic Soils, by Professor Mark Kibblewhite and Peat Project manager Grace Hervé, 13.04.23

Members' talk about project updates by Brian Bleese, Rob Farrington, and Steve Oliver, 08.12.22

Members' talk on brownsea lagoon by Nicki Tutton, 14.07.22

Members' talk on farming at Kingcombe by Jarrod Kyles, 06.10.22

Members' talk on dormice by Steve Masters, 20.01.22

Members' talk, 'Wild Night In' with special guests, 09.12.21

Members' talk on Brownsea Island by Jonny Owen and Nicki Tutton, 18.11.21

Members' talk on climate change by Imogen Davenport, 28.10.21

Members' talk on rewilding Wild Woodbury by Rob Farrington, 23.09.21

Members' talk on marine giants by Marc Kativu-Smith, 28.07.21

Members' talk on Action for Insects from Dr George McGavin, 20.05.21

Members' beaver talk by Steve Oliver on 22.04.2021.