Blog: Wildlife Gardening



Take action for wildlife: July

There are plenty of small actions we can take to benefit wildlife, but where do you start? The Wilder Communities Team share some simple tips so that you can focus on one action you can take for…

Pulmonaria in bloom

Wildlife-friendly gardening in March

Large or small, your garden or green space can make a real difference to local wildlife and the way you choose to care for your garden matters. Collectively, wildlife-friendly green spaces act as…

Photo showing Bournemouth uni students filming at Upton Heath

Urban Green project engaging young people

An important aim of the Urban Green project is to engage people of all ages and backgrounds in conservation-led initiatives. In recent months, we have been working with two groups of young people…

Photo - Gatekeeper butterflies on yellow ragwort in a field

How you can help butterflies

When wildlife conservation student Ellen approached us asking for our help with a campaign about protecting butterflies with our everyday actions, we were inspired. She kindly wrote this blog for…

Female Leaf cutter bee

What to look out for in your garden - early June

As the days lengthen, more and more insects are appearing but some, such as butterflies, may also be conspicuous in their absence. From flying leaves to dragons in your shrubs, here are a few…

Planting by Katharine Davies

Bloom in June: what to do in your garden

Last year as part of the Get Dorset Buzzing campaign we wrote a series of articles about what to do in your garden for each of the months in spring and summer. Our Community Conservation Officer…


What to look out for in your garden - late May

Take a careful look in your wildlife friendly garden or while out exercising, you may find more than you were expecting. From tiny crickets to beautiful damselflies, spring, and the promise of…


The Gardens Group: pollinator plants in summer

If you've signed up to Get Dorset Buzzing, you may have noticed that The Gardens Group is offering 10% off pollinator-friendly plants for each month of the campaign. In this blog, Mike talks…

Kate Bradbury headshot © Gardeners' World Paul Debois

What bees need in May

Kate talks about what she's seeing in her garden this time of year and asks whether your garden is good for pollinators?