Laura McLellan / Child with binoculars at Kingcombe
A-Z of fundraising ideas.
From Afternoon teas to Zumba classes, and everything in between… we’ve put together our A-Z of fundraising ideas to inspire you to take action. Whether you're artistic, adventurous, a culinary whizz, or just like the idea of bringing people together to have some fun, we have you covered.
A - M
- Abseil
- Art exhibition
- Art & Crafts stall
- Auction
- Afternoon tea
- Bake off
- Barn dance
- Bingo
- Bring and Buy sale
- Carol singing
- Car wash
- Clothes swap
- Coffee morning
- Cocktail night
- Dance event
- Dinner party
- Dog walking
- Drawing contest
- Dress up/down day
- Easter egg hunt
- Ebay auction
- Employers’ matched funding
- Exercise marathon
- Expert talk
- Facebook fundraiser
- Fancy dress day
- Fashion show
- Film night
- Football tournament
- Games night
- Give up something
- Garden party
- Golf competition
- Guess the weight/number of
- Halloween party
- Head shave
- Hiking
- Hour of pay
- Hula hoopathon
- Ice cream tasting
- Improv night
- International day/evening
- Inflatables
- It’s a Knockout
- Jam making
- Jazz night
- Jar of wild actions
- Jewellery making
- Jeans day
- Karaoke
- Kayaking
- Keepy uppy challenge
- Kite flying
- Knitting
- Ladies night
- Lego contest
- Line dance
- Litter pick
- Loose change collection
- Magic show
- Marathon
- Mobile free day
- Mountain climb
- Murder mystery evening
N - Z
- Nail art
- Name the… (e.g. bear/baby)
- Nature trail guided walk
- Night-time trek
- Netball tournament
- Obstacle course
- Odd jobs for donations
- Office Olympics
- Open garden
- Open mic night
- Picnic at a reserve
- Plank/press up challenge
- Plant sale
- Poker night
- Potluck dinner
- Quad bike racing
- Quickest time competition
- Quilt making
- Quiz
- Quiet time
- Race night
- Raffle
- Recipe book sale
- Recycle challenge
- Rounders tournament
- Skydive
- Sports day
- Sponsored silence
- Street party
- Sweepstake
- Talent show
- Teddy bear’s picnic
- Treasure hunt
- Tuck shop
- Tug-of-war
- Ultimate frisbee
- University challenge
- Upcycle
- Uniform day
- Unplug from tech
- Valentine’s day
- Valet service
- Vegetable patch
- Video game competition
- Vintage sale
- Walk for wildlife
- Waxing
- Window cleaning
- Wine tasting
- Word search
- Xbox/PlayStation tournament
- Xmas – 12 days wild challenge
- ‘X marks the spot’ treasure hunt
- X Factor competition
- Xylophone concert
- Year to remember
- Yoga
- Yo-yo competition
- Zip wire
- Zumba
If you would like to discuss your chosen fundraising activity further, or have some new ideas, we would love to hear from you!