Bloom in June: what to do in your garden
Last year as part of the Get Dorset Buzzing campaign we wrote a series of articles about what to do in your garden for each of the months in spring and summer. Our Community Conservation Officer…
Last year as part of the Get Dorset Buzzing campaign we wrote a series of articles about what to do in your garden for each of the months in spring and summer. Our Community Conservation Officer…
October has arrived and while we feel the chill of Autumn and the inky night skies drawing in, leaves are ready to burst into warm, vibrant hues of red and gold. This final instalment of…
DWT’s President, Dr George McGavin, is an entomologist, author, academic & television presenter who is passionate about insects. In this article (which can also be found in the DWT summer…
Early Autumn has arrived with crisp, sunny mornings, cooler temperatures and no doubt a blustery, rainy day or two. In the garden this month, the focus is on making the most of remaining…
As the temperature rises, so does the pressure on our garden wildlife. Here's 3 easy things you can do to give them a hand during hot weather.
The Get Dorset Buzzing campaign has seen nearly 4,000 people in Dorset pledge to help pollinators in their gardens. Author, wildlife gardening expert and Get Dorset Buzzing supporter, Kate…
Find out how Jane's passion for pollinators grew after a chance encounter with a red girdle in her overgrown Dorset garden.
Pollinators are literally getting moving in July, with a huge amount of butterfly species currently exploring gardens and green spaces all over the UK. Read on to find out what you can see this…
If you've signed up to Get Dorset Buzzing, you may have noticed that The Gardens Group is offering 10% off pollinator-friendly plants for each month of the campaign. In this blog, Mike talks…