Speak up for nature

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Get ready to speak up for nature!

With a new government in power, it's crucial that nature's voice continues to be heard. The UK is already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries and the Government will be responsible for turning this around. You can ensure nature is given the priority it deserves by raising issues about nature and the environment with your local MP and councillors.

Nightingale (c) Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Nightingale © Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

How is nature faring in Dorset?

Find out more about why Dorset's natural environment is so special and the threats it is facing.



Learn about the state of nature in Dorset


Red deer (Cervus elephus), Richmond Park, London

Red deer (c) Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Our priorities for the UK Government

Along with our national federation of 46 wildlife trusts, we are calling upon the UK Government to commit to a plan to finally halt and reverse the decline in wildlife.

Read more



© Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography

Contact your MP

Writing to your MP is a great way to show them that wildlife and the environment are important to the people they represent. Encourage them to speak up for nature by writing to them - here is all the information you need to find your MP and to make your email or letter effective.

Contact your MP