News: Marine


Common cuttlefish

Marine Weeks 2022

Join Dorset Wildlife Trusts for rock pool rambles, dolphin watching and eco-crabbing during National Marine Weeks, a two-week summer festival from Saturday 23 July – Sunday 7 August in celebration…

Kimmeridge Volunteers Copyright Phil Abraham

Appeal for volunteers to protect Dorset’s seas

Dorset Wildlife Trust is appealing for local people aged 18 and over to help with its wildlife conservation work in the Isle of Purbeck and Weymouth and Portland areas. The Trust is looking for…

Kimmeridge Bay © JHatcher

New Walking Trail Linking Kimmeridge Village and Bay

Improvements are now completed enhancing pedestrian access links between the refurbished Fine Foundation Wild Seas Centre at Kimmeridge Bay and the Etches Collection Fossil Museum in the village…

Child exploring Fleet Lagoon at Chesil © Dorset Wildlife Trust

Celebrate National Marine Weeks on the Dorset coast

We're inviting everyone to enjoy and explore the amazing array of marine wildlife along the Dorset coast this summer. With special events planned to celebrate National Marine Weeks from 24…

Dead common dolphin by Sarah Hodgson

Dead dolphins & porpoises washed up on Dorset beaches

Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) has been made aware of reports that a number of dead dolphins and porpoises have been washed up on Dorset’s beaches this winter. We have been receiving information…