Planning and development
Development matters
Housing and development has the potential to have a serious impact on wildlife and habitats but there are also opportunities to deliver benefits for biodiversity.
In a survey undertaken in 2021, nearly 80% of our members who responded identified the loss of wildlife and habitats due to development as one of their greatest concerns about the state of wildlife in Dorset. When asked what our priorities as an organisation should be, standing up for wildlife against development plans that could have a harmful impact was considered second most important, supported by nearly 85% of respondents.
What we do
Dorset Wildlife Trust works to promote positive outcomes in planning, whether that is fighting damaging proposals or pushing for well-designed and strategic enhancements for biodiversity to obtain the maximum benefit for wildlife.
We are not anti-development and we recognise the need for housing and infrastructure that supports the economy and our local area, but we will seek to ensure that the right development happens in the right places.
We work closely with planners and ecologists at Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch (BCP) Council to ensure that planning decisions are made on a sound ecological basis and supported by the appropriate evidence. We also liaise closely with Natural England and other conservation organisations including the RSPB and Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) on applications which affect important sites and species.
We have limited capacity and are not able to respond to every application, so we focus on those with potentially detrimental impacts on important wildlife sites and protected species, and also where access to nature reserves or greenspace is threatened. Dorset Wildlife Trust will particularly prioritise planning applications which have the potential to affect our nature reserves or Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCIs).
Housing development site - Amanda Marler
Strategic planning
Dorset Wildlife Trust also works to ensure that wildlife and biodiversity priorities are built into local strategic planning at an early stage. We are a consultee on Local Plan documents and other spatial planning matters such as neighbourhood plans and supplementary planning documents. These set policies and future patterns of development and we place a high priority on influencing their content to ensure that they describe a sustainable future for conservation of nature in Dorset.
Both Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council are currently in the process of producing new Local Plans that will shape development in the two council areas until 2038 and we have provided detailed responses to the various consultations on these so far.
Download our most recent responses to the Dorset Council Local Plan and the BCP Local Plan Consultation below.

Mariko Whyte
Take action in your community
Planning affects everyone and everyone also has the power to influence planning outcomes, both as individuals and communities.
As an organisation Dorset Wildlife Trust has limited capacity to respond to planning applications so we do have to prioritise the most significant cases and are not able to respond to all applications which may have an impact on biodiversity.
Download our guidance below to help find out how you and your community can also make your concerns heard:
How to comment on a planning application
We will developing further resources and training in future to help communities influence local planning decisions and achieve the best outcomes for nature. If you are interested in keeping up to date as opportunities develop, please email planning@dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk
Adder - Steve Davis
Planning help and advice
If you have a specific planning query, please contact the Trust’s planning officer at planning@dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk.
If your question relates to a planning application, it would be helpful if you could include the application number in your email.
The Wildlife Trusts' vision
The Wildlife Trusts have a vision for housing that works for people and wildlife, find out more here.
Update on planning activity
Dorset Wildlife Trust is not a statutory consultee and the Local Planning Authorities do not have to follow our advice, but our comments are usually taken seriously.
In 2021 we responded to 136 applications across Dorset from simple roof works to major housing developments, minerals and waste applications and changes of use. We are pleased that our responses have so far positively influenced 34% of those we engaged with. In 37% of cases, our response did not influence the decision made (this includes cases where the decision may still have been a positive one for wildlife but our response was not a factor in the decision made or an application has been withdrawn for unrelated reasons). The remainder are still awaiting a decision.