Barn owl wildlife webcam

Barn Owls at Lorton Meadows Nature Reserve © Paul Williams

Barn Owls at Lorton Meadows Nature Reserve © Paul Williams

Barn owl wildlife webcam

Welcome to the Dorset Wildlife Trust barn owl webcam

This is a live and unedited stream of a barn owl webcam located at the Lorton Meadows nature reserve. Occasionally you might see disturbing images of the natural world. Our policy is to allow nature to play out without disruption or interference. If you have a problem viewing the stream, please try refreshing your screen.

Latest barn owl updates

Although there has been some concern about the empty nest box, we have noticed our resident pair disappear in previous winters, only to return ahead of the breeding season. We know they have an alternative roosting site somewhere, as both habitually desert the box every summer when the growing owlets become too demanding to live with. We hope to see the pair return by mid-March in order to start laying eggs by early April.

Barn owls can live for up to ten years, but their lifespan can be as short as five. This often depends on food availability, especially if the vole population they rely on crashes for some reason. As winter is still with us, the female in particular should be feeding up in preparation for breeding, which may have led her to hunt elsewhere. Although voles are the mainstay of their diet, animals must be adaptable and will search further afield if a food source dries up. Barn owls also prey on other rodents, small birds, insects, and frogs, which are themselves breeding at this time of year and relatively easy to catch.

So please keep watching, and let's all hope for their speedy return to the nest box.

What can you see on the webcam? 

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