The farm lies within the Dorset Downs in an area of chalk grassland, scrub, wildflower meadows and ancient woodland. Existing designations include a 50-hectare Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) and several Scheduled Monuments including Lyscombe Chapel. For several decades, the farm has practiced wildlife-friendly land management techniques within the Countryside Stewardship Scheme.
Whilst the primary interest of all the partners is to see the area managed for nature recovery, this will also serve to reduce the levels of harmful nutrients entering Poole Harbour. Poole Harbour’s wildlife and water quality is suffering badly from an excess of nutrients coming down its waterways. These originate from both housing (via treated sewage which still contains high levels of nutrients) and significantly, from fertilisers and manure applied to farmed land. By adopting a more sustainable form of land management, nutrients entering the top of the catchment at Lyscombe will be reduced both by removing inputs, and through natural recovery measures such as creating new wetland habitat that can capture nutrients.