A large majority of us find it hard to make time to go out into nature. We tell ourselves, make promises and New Year’s resolutions that this is the year that we’ll go out on hikes, whole day bike rides, camping trips. And that’s all that ever happens, we are left with unfulfilled promises. We get caught up in our lives and busy schedules, and we forget.
30 days wild is a challenge set by the Wildlife Trusts organisation, which lasts throughout the month of June. The challenge is to do something ‘wild’ every day. Wild doesn’t have to be as extreme as hikes or camping. Wild can be as simple as going out for a walk to your local park. Doing some gardening, growing your own food. Making ‘natural art’ with leaves and pine cones. Going bird watching.
Spending time in nature can really help us. As well as keeping healthy, it is proven that being outside can calm us and even help reduce stress, depression and anxiety. The idea is that during this month of doing the challenge, we will form new habits, that will hopefully continue on for years and years. We will learn to appreciate the environment and nature around us while improving our own lifestyle.
Here I have included some photos of times when I have been out in my local area: