

Jane Franklin

Troublefield © Nigel Brooks
Troublefield © Nigel Brooks
Troublefield © Nigel Brooks

Troublefield © Nigel Brooks


A mixture of meadows and woodland with a range of interesting water loving plants


Matchams Lane
BH23 6AL

OS Map Reference


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Know before you go

5 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Parking on track leading to reserve.

Bicycle parking


Grazing animals

Cattle - anytime from spring to autumn.


Field gates at entrances to meadows. No surfaced paths in meadows, where ground is wet and uneven, but there is a short track through wood.

The south meadow is accessed through the field gate at the end of the entrance track. A short ride (ungated) also comes off the entrance track through the edge of the wood, with access to the north meadow through the field gate at the end. There are no marked paths on site with visitors able to wander through the meadows as they please. The ground tends to be wet and can be quite uneven in places.

Visitors should take care at the edges of the ditches and river and especially avoid standing on any areas of overhanging banks. The river itself is deep and can be fast flowing. Please be careful of overhanging branches in, or following strong winds. The fields are grazed during spring and summer - keep your distance and observe any signs, and ticks may be present on site. 


On a lead

Please remove all dog mess from site. See above for more information about dogs on nature reserves.

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit


About the reserve

Tucked in behind Bournemouth Airport, this little reserve is a great location for dragonfly spotting. Surrounded on one side by the Moors River and by well vegetated ditches on the other, this reserve is home to up to 16 species of dragonfly, with the combination of flowing and standing water alongside rushy grassland, trees and scrub. This creates a variety of conditions which suit a range of different species. As well as dragonflies, look out for the colourful floodplain flowers of flag iris, purple loosestrife and meadowsweet as well as a host of insect and bird life.  

Useful Information

From Hurn post office, travel 600m up Matchams Lane, turn left down a hidden track. Follow the track for about 250m to where the track widens with room to park one or two cars. To enter the reserve, head along the track to the right of the house for about 50m.

Contact us

Troublefield Nature Reserve Map

Troublefield Nature Reserve Map

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The Great Heath Living Landscape

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