Nature Reserves Memories Map

View from Fontmell Down

Ben Atkinson / Fontmell Down 

Nature Reserves Memories Map

What does your local nature reserve mean to you?

Dorset Wildlife Trust's 42 nature reserves provide a haven for wildlife, but they’re so important to us humans, too. We know that across Dorset people have special memories and connections with our nature reserves. They offer a peaceful green space for reflection, exercise and a chance to connect with nature. And now, we want to hear why they’re so special to you. Whether it was watching the sunset with a loved one at Tout Quarries or spotting your first red squirrel on Brownsea Island, we want to hear about your nature reserve memories.

By adding your wild memory to the Nature Reserves Memories Map, you will help us to build a picture of why, and how, people connect with nature across Dorset. You’ll also help spread the word about our incredible nature reserves, and encourage more people to create their own nature connections at these special sites.

Nature Reserves Memory Map

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Which is your favourite Dorset Wildlife Trust nature reserve to visit?

Please tick to confirm you are happy for us to keep details of your memory on our database and add it to our Love your Local Nature Reserve map on our website. 
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