Thank you for your interest in the discounted will offer
Dorset Wildlife Trust has teamed up with local solicitors to provide our supporters with a year-round opportunity to write or update an existing will.
Your appointment will enable you to create a simple will, or update your will, at a discounted rate.

How to register
Step 1: Complete the registration form below
Step 2: We will pass your details to your chosen solicitor
Step 3: We will send you a short form to take to your appointment
Step 4: Your solicitor will contact you directly to arrange your appointment
Step 5: Payment to be made to your solicitor, following your appointment
Further information
Solicitor appointments are limited and will be spread throughout the year, depending on availability. Registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will be given to Dorset Wildlife Trust members. We will try to accommodate your preferred choice of solicitor and branch. However, it may be necessary for an alternative to be offered to you.
Appointments will take place face-to-face, at your allocated solicitor's office.
Your appointment will be at a discounted rate, the cost of which will be payable by you. Rates are as follows and your solicitor will contact you directly regarding payment, once your appointment has taken place:
Battens: Single will = £120; mirror will = £170. Single codicil = £60; mirror codicil = £90.
Blanchards Bailey: Single will = £120; mirror will = £170. Single codicil = £60; mirror codicil = £90.
Kitson & Trotman: Single will = £140; mirror will = £190. Single codicil = £60; mirror codicil = £90.
The above rates will apply, provided you are writing a simple individual or mirror will. A ‘simple’ will involves the following: appointment of executors; appointment of guardians for minor children; specific gifts or legacies to friends, family or charities; stipulation of funeral wishes; and distribution of the residue of the estate (i.e. after payment of all funeral expenses and debts to family, friends or charities).
It may be necessary for your solicitor to make an additional charge for including a trust in a will, if this is desired. Any additional fees will be defined by your drafting solicitor and discussed with you upfront.
If you have any questions at all, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. Or contact Hannah Filer, Fundraising & Development Officer, at fundraising@dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk, or on 07970 847347.