This World Mental Health Day (10 October) it’s good to remember the benefits that connecting with nature has on our mental health and wellbeing.
We can support our mental health through the five ways to wellbeing: connecting with people; being active; learning; taking notice / being mindful and giving. All of which can be done while connecting to nature for added benefits.
Personally, I know that walking, being in a natural space or stopping to take notice of life around me makes me feel good and can help reduce the anxieties and stresses I’m feeling. At the start of the first Covid-19 lockdown I decided to prioritize giving myself a daily dose of nature, to really take notice of nature, and add a photo(s) or video to Facebook to give me something to focus on and ground me in those uncertain times. And I loved it so much and felt so many benefits that I’ve not stopped since! 1300 plus days later and I’m still posting pictures and videos daily and learning about the natural world around me and being in the present.