A message from a first time voter

A message from a first time voter

With thousands of young people voting for the first time in the forthcoming General Election, Dorset’s Nature Young Journalist, James Carter shares his concerns with prospective parliamentary candidates in his constituency and asks them what actions they propose to address them.

Dear Prospective Parliamentary Candidates for Mid Dorset and North Poole, 

I’m writing to you as a 19-year-old, first-time voter. Like many other young people, I’m increasingly worried about the climate and ecological emergencies which are having devastating impacts, right now, across the world and even on our doorsteps. Our actions are polluting the air we breathe and the water we drink, destroying the habitats our incredible biodiversity relies on, and causing destructive extreme weather events. This is taking a toll on precious species, human populations and even our mental health, and I’m sure you’ll agree we must take urgent steps to solve these problems. 

Here in the UK, as a developed and wealthy nation, we are privileged to have both the responsibility and ability to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies. If elected as MP, what would YOU do to ensure our local area, and the wider country, becomes a leader in promoting sustainability and protecting biodiversity?  

  • What steps would you take to encourage a just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy?  
  • What promises would you make to support farmers in switching to sustainable agriculture?  
  • What actions would you take to prevent sewage discharges into our rivers and seas?  

I look forward to hearing your commitments to tackling environmental issues and how you would deliver on them. 

Yours sincerely, 

James Carter 

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