A Crossroads for Nature: Why This Election Matters More Than Ever

A Crossroads for Nature: Why This Election Matters More Than Ever

The upcoming General Election on 4 July offers a unique opportunity to demand urgent and decisive action for nature. Chief Exec, Brian Bleese identifies five essential policy priorities that the next government must implement to address the decline of UK wildlife.

As we approach the General Election on 4 July, our country faces a pivotal moment. The ongoing ecological crisis, driven by climate change and environmental degradation, threatens the survival of many of Dorset's precious habitats and species. This election offers a unique opportunity to demand urgent and decisive action for nature.

At Dorset Wildlife Trust, we are calling on all political parties to make a firm commitment to addressing the decline of UK wildlife. It is disheartening to see that none of the major parties have yet highlighted the environment as a priority. As one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, the UK cannot afford to continue this neglect. Nationally, 1 in 6 species are at risk of extinction. In Dorset, 1 in 40 species previously recorded are no longer present, including 20 species of bee, now locally extinct. This trend cannot go on unchecked. It's no longer enough to merely protect the remaining wildlife; we must take affirmative action to reverse biodiversity loss and restore abundance.

We have identified five essential policy priorities that the next government must implement to address the decline of UK wildlife.

A sign that says "there's no planet B"

Penny Dixie

Make More Space for Nature

Wildlife needs space to recover and adapt to climate change. Expanding and connecting habitats is crucial. We need to implement nature-based solutions to bringing back nature. Natural-regeneration, rewilding and wetland creation can combat climate change while enhancing biodiversity and protecting against extreme weather.

Ask your candidates if they are committed to making space for nature in our landscapes.

Support Sustainable Farming

Climate change and ecosystem destruction threaten food production. We need to support farmers by funding a transition to wildlife-friendly and regenerative methods in order to reduce agricultural pollution, soil erosion and use of pesticides.

Ask your candidates if they will support a transition to wildlife-friendly farming and commit to funding this adequately

Horses grazing at Coppet Hill

George Streatfeild / Horses grazing at Coppet Hill

Tackle River Pollution

A toxic mix of sewage and agricultural runoff is devastating our rivers and coastal waters. Stricter regulations and better management of pollutants are necessary to protect these vital water sources. Clean water is vital for wildlife and people and change needs to happen quickly.

Ask your candidates what they plan to do about river pollution and holding water companies to account.

Promote Healthy Communities

Wildlife and the natural environment contribute to the quality of all our lives. Access to nature is vital for human health and wellbeing, yet a third of the UK population lacks greenspaces near their homes. Ensuring everyone has access to nature benefits both people and wildlife.

Ask your candidates if they will commit to improving access to nature for everyone.

Community garden

Katrina Martin/2020VISION

Establish a Cross-Party Action Plan

Strategies that extend beyond election cycles are needed to tackle climate change and restore nature. A unified, cross-party commitment that commits all parties to long-term goals is essential. The next five years will be crucial in halting and reversing the declines in nature before it's too late. We need bold and unwavering action from our political leaders to bring back nature and ensure a flourishing natural world for future generations.

Ask your candidates if they would support a cross-party initiative to tackle environmental issues. If not, why not?

Dorset Wildlife Trust would be very interested to hear about any responses you get from candidates to these or other environment related questions. Send them to Dorset Wildlife Trust at enquiries@dorsetwildlifetrust.org.uk

This election is a decisive moment for our environment. I urge all political parties to commit to these policy priorities and show their dedication to nature conservation. Voters also have the power to drive this change by supporting candidates who prioritize the environment.

At Dorset Wildlife Trust, we remain committed to collaborating with local communities, policymakers, and conservation partners to ensure nature is central to decision-making processes. Together, we can create a sustainable future for all.

Let’s make this election count for nature.

General Election 2024 resources