Water Vole © Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
Vote for Wildlife this General Election
Give wildlife a voice
We are calling for the Government to stand up for nature this General Election. We want you to join us in telling candidates that they must back an ambitious Environment Act. This is needed to improve protection for our country’s wildlife to ensure a wilder future.
It’s no big secret that we all depend on nature. It’s also no secret that nature is in deep trouble. More than half of our species are in decline and the UK is now one of the most nature-depleted places on earth. The recent launch of the State of Nature Report highlights just how much our wildlife is threatened.
We work every day to protect and restore our special wild places, we know that nature can recover, but we also know we need better protections and a connected landscape and seascape, with space for nature to thrive. We need legislation to put nature’s recovery at the heart of planning, farming and Government.
That’s why we're urging parties to back the #WilderFuture manifesto and pledge to:
- Back an ambitious Environment Act
- Introduce an Agriculture Bill
- Revive our marine environment
We will be tweeting all our Prospective Parliamentary Candidates ahead of the election to ensure that the environment and nature is high on their agenda. If you meet any of your candidates during the election campaign, please talk to them about why the environment is important to you. And please, when you vote, remember to Vote for Wildlife!